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Gynecomastia is the medical term for benign enlargement of the male breast tissue. While this tissue is normally benign, cancer (both in the breast and elsewhere in the body) can also cause Male Breast Enlargement, and should be ruled out. Breast tissue which is large, rapidly growing, hard or asymmetric is more suspicious, and may need to be sent for pathologic diagnosis.

What Is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia often presents at birth, but as the mother’s estrogen leaves her son, the breasts often shrink to a normal size. Problematic gynecomastia more often presents at puberty. Often a lump of breast tissue will develop in the male breast in response to adult hormones.

Gynecomastia can be unilateral (one sided) or bilateral (present on both sides). It may be painless, but is often tender. It may resolve on it own, or continue to enlarge. If the male breast tissue continues to grow, however, it often leads to increasing discomfort, concern and embarrassment.

Gynecomastia Reception Video Presentation

This video segment discusses gynecomastia. San Francisco’s KRON4 provides the platform for discussion. This gynecomastia video was broadcast live on Body Beautiful, and reviews gynecomastia cosmetic surgery. The 800 number displayed was for the live show only. If you have questions about gynecomastia reduction surgery, please call my Walnut Creek Plastic Surgery Office at (925) 943-6353, or use the contact form to the left.

Gynecomastia Reduction In The San Francisco Bay Area

This Gynecomastia Reduction Video covers

This Gynecomastia Reduction Video covers:

Viewer calls answered include a woman who desires perkier breasts, and a woman who is 9 months after a breast reduction surgery.

Additional Gynecomastia Resources

Click here for more information from the gynecomastia page on Or you can call (925) 943-6353 for more Gynecomastia Reduction Information, today.

(925) 943-6353
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