Spring is definitely in the air. The first day of Spring is this Friday, March 19th, and as winter winds down, the demand for body sculpting heats up. Warmer weather means spring dresses, tank tops, shorts and t-shirts.
Surgically, the first two weeks of March have been mostly about bodies. Though Facial Plastic Surgery (facelifts, eyelids, etc…) is always in demand, the majority of my cases this month have been below the neck.
The most popular procedures performed thus far are: male and female Breast Reductions, Tummy Tucks, Liposuction, Brazilian Butt Lifts, Mommy Makeovers, Breast Lifts and the overall most popular cosmetic plastic surgery procedure year after year: Breast Augmentation. So in preparation of the coming Summer, today we will talk about Breast Implants and Breast Augmentation.
Gummy Bear Breast Implants

Breast Augmentation Before and After Pictures – Breast Asymmetry is normal and always present. In some cases the asymmetry can be improved. In this case, the left breast was lower, but had a better IMF. The right breast had higher and better centralized nipple. The postoperative photo shows improvement in all these asymmetries, but they are never fully resolved. Correction of symmetry often requires a breast lift or asymmetrical adjustment of the breast volumes. (to see/hide the nipple position, click on the photo)
Breast Implants have evolved during my 25 years as a Plastic Surgeon. The latest generation of breast implants are soft, yet stronger, thanks to an improved high-strength silicone gel filler. The latest reinforced, low-bleed shells are also more optimally filled (better stuffed) to reduce wrinkling. These improvements provide patients with better projection than has ever been possible with silicone gel breast implants.
Enhanced Breast Implant Profiles Means Enhanced Results

Breast Augmentation Before and After Pictures – When the nipple is low, as in the before picture above, often a Breast Lift is needed to move the nipple upward. Sometimes it is possible to lower the inframammary fold (IMF) to give the illusion of a breast lift. Note the position of the IMF with respect to the mole under the armpit in the before and after pictures. In some cases this can lead to a double bubble deformity. (to see/hide the nipple position, click on the photo)
The final shape (and volume) of the breast is determined by adding a breast implant to the existing breast tissue. This is why your plastic surgeon cannot tell you what breast implant volume is needed for a specific cup-size without seeing you in person and taking some measurements. We have to work backwards from the desired cup size and subtract the existing breast tissue.
Breast Cup-Size Depends on the Chest Size
Aesthetic Breast Augmentation requires your Plastic Surgeon to respect your body’s proportions. The cup-size volume is dependent on the circumference of the rib cage. For example, the volume of a 36 C-cup is about the same as a 38 B-cup and a 34 D-cup. This makes sense, because when maintaining proportions, a larger chest needs a larger breast.
Bra Cup-Size Depends on Who Makes the Bra

Breast Augmentation Before and After Pictures – Breast Implants add volume and can help round out the shape of the breasts. This is most obvious in the early post-operative photo on the right. With time, the upper pole settles and the lower pole fluffs, giving a more teardrop shaped, tapered appearance when the implant is placed behind the muscle. (to see/hide the nipple position, click on the photo)
Another important variable when discussing cup-size is adjusting for bra manufacturer’s preferences. There is no standard for bras. Each manufacturer has their own method. Warner’s was the first bra maker to label their bras with graduated letter cup sizes (A, B C…). Others have followed suit, but with their own standards. Victoria’s Secret, for example, runs a cup size or two smaller than Warner’s. Many patients who measure to a C-cup with the majority of bra manufacturers, will wear a D-cup or DD-cup in Victoria’s. It is important to let your Plastic Surgeon know whose cup you are asking for
Cup Size is in the Eye of the Beholder

Breast Augmentation Before and After Pictures – Breast Lifts with Breast Implants alone only work when the nipple is an aesthetic position before surgery and the breast implant can be centered on the nipple.Pictures – Breast Implants only “Lift” the breasts when the nipple is an aesthetic position before surgery, so that the breast implant can be centered on the nipple. (to see/hide the nipple position, click on the photo)
Lastly, your idea of a C or D-cup may be different than your Cosmetic Surgeon’s. Patients who bring examples of the size they desire, or who come into the office stuffed out to their “happy size” are doing themselves a great service. This is just another way to communicate your goals to your Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. I advise all my patients to buy a bra the size they want to be, stuff it and try it out with different styles of clothes to see if that’s the size they want. It is much easier to change breast implant sizes before surgery, than it is to change after your Breast Augmentation. Good results require good communication.
Breast Augmentation Consultations
When considering Breast Augmentation seek the advice of a local Board Certified Plastic Surgeon with an abundance of experience. If you communicate what you want, an experienced Board Certified Plastic Surgeon can provide you with professional guidance on the safest, most predictable and up-to-date methods to achieve your desired goals. In the San Francisco Bay Area call (925) 943-6353 for a private and personal consultation tailored to your needs.
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