Dr. Mele named RealSelf top doctor.
I am humbled to tell you that I received “Top Doctor” certification from RealSelf. Since its founding in 2006, RealSelf has created the world’s largest on-line community for learning and sharing information about Cosmetic Surgery, Dermatology, Dentistry, and other elective treatments.
Who is a RealSelf Top Doctor?
The RealSelf Top Doctor recognition is awarded to less than 10% of doctors on RealSelf. This status is earned by achieving high patient satisfaction (as reported in RealSelf reviews), getting favorable feedback on expert answers, and after investing significant time in Q&A and other doctor activity.
What Is RealSelf?
If you didn’t already know, RealSelf is a cross between Facebook and Yelp. You can view cosmetic surgery before and after pictures, and read reviews and Q&A for most Cosmetic Plastic Surgery procedures. If you join the community, you can also interact with other members, ask questions in forums and pose questions for doctors to answer. You may also rate your doctor and your procedure.
Worth It
One of the unique features of RealSelf is the Worth It rating. You can rate your procedure by giving it a thumbs-up, thumbs-down or not sure rating. These are tallied and reported as the procedure’s Worth It Rating.
The most reviewed procedures are Breast Augmentation and Tummy Tuck. Breast Augmentation currently has 13,221 reviews, while Tummy Tuck has 12,957 reviews. Both receive 97% Worth It ratings. Both were also discussed on my last KRON 4 appearance on Body Beautiful. The combination of Breast Augmentation and Tummy Tuck, also known as a Mommy Makeover, received a 98% Worth It rating after 5,198 reviews. Mommy Makeover is also something I will be discussing on this week’s Body Beautiful.
Body Beautiful on The Bay Area’s KRON 4 TV

Dr. Joseph Mele appears on KRON4’s Body Beautiful this Wednesday at 11 AM to discuss, Mommy Makeovers, Breast Lifts, Breast Reduction and Chin Augmentation with Chin Implants.
This week, I will be appearing on the San Francisco Bay Area’s News Station, KRON 4, Live. The show, Body Beautiful, airs this Wednesday, September 9, 2015, at 11 AM. If you can’t catch it live, I will post it to the San Francisco Plastic Surgery Blog in the coming weeks.
On the show, I will be discussing Mommy Makeovers, Breast Lifts, Breast Reduction and Chin Augmentation with Chin Implants, all highly rated on RealSelf’s Worth It ratings. Be certain to send me your questions today, and I will answer them on the show.
San Francisco Bay Area Plastic Surgery Consultations
We are fortunate to have many excellent and well trained plastic surgeons in the Bay Area. Thank You to RealSelf, for making me feel like a contributing member of the plastic surgery community. If you are considering Cosmetic Plastic Surgery of the Face or Body, call (925) 943-6353 to schedule a private consultation appointment. If you have questions about a procedure, general information is available here on the San Francisco Plastic Surgery Blog indexed under “Categories”, or any of my other sites listed under “Useful Links.” There is also a contact form to use, if you have questions.
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