Dr. Mele discusses Tumescent Liposuction (aka: Liposuction, Suction Assisted Lipectomy and Liposculpture) on the San Francisco Bay Area's News Station, KRON4.
Tumescent Liposuction continues to be a safe, predictable method of selective fat removal. Numerous attempts have been made to improve the technique with the addition of laser, ultrasound, and radiofrequency; however, tumescent liposuction is such an effective technique, really significant improvements remain elusive.
San Francisco Bay Area Liposuction
On a recent appearance on KRON4’s Body Beautiful, many viewers called in with their questions. This Liposuction Video segment is dedicated to answering these frequently asked Liposuction questions. Below is the segment three of four which aired on San Francisco Bay Area News Station, KRON, Channel 4. The (415) number on the video was for viewers to call in with questions during the live show. If you have questions, please call our Walnut Creek Plastic Surgery Office at (925) 943-6353, or use the contact form in the left column.
San Francisco Bay Area Liposuction Video
Tumescent Liposuction Topics Covered
Topics covered during the above San Francisco Bay Area Television appearance include answers to liposuction questions posed by Body Beautiful viewers:
- Can Liposuction help after lap-band surgery?
- Can Liposuction be used instead of massive weight loss?
- What’s the maximum amount of fat removed during Liposuction?
- Can Liposuction be performed instead of a Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)?
- Can Liposuction be performed with Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)?
- Can Liposuction be performed to tighten the skin?
- Do new modalities of Liposuction (Laser Liposuction, Ultrasonic Liposuction, Radio-frequency Liposuction) provide any benefits to Tumescent Liposuction?
- What are the best treatments after childbirth?
Additional Liposuction Videos
Additional Liposuction Videos from this appearance are available on the San Francisco Plastic Surgery Blog via the following links:
- San Francisco Bay Area Liposuction – Part 1 of 4
- San Francisco Bay Area Liposuction – Part 2 of 4
- Liposuction San Francisco Bay Area – Part 3 of 4 (You Are Here)
- San Francisco Bay Area Liposuction – Part 4 of 4
Additional Liposuction Information
If you want additional information about Liposuction please visit my personal Plastic Surgery Web Site by clicking here -> Walnut Creek Liposuction. If you would like to schedule a personal consultation appointment give us a call at (925) 943-6353 or use our online contact form.
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