Breast Augmentation with Breast Implants
The safest and most predictable way to enhance the size of your breasts remains Breast Augmentation with Breast Implants. This will be one of our topics on next week’s Body Beautiful, the show dedicated to the latest in Cosmetic Plastic Surgery in the San Francisco Bay Area. Hundreds of sizes and shapes of saline and silicone gel filled breast implants are available off-the-shelf, making it possible to tailor Breast Augmentation to your specific goals.

Breast Augmentation with Breast Implants before and after pictures. Breast Implants were used behind the muscle to provide proportionate augmentation with a natural teardrop shape and enhanced cleavage. (To view uncensored pictures, click or tap on the image.)
The patient above was looking to improve her body proportions and wanted breast implants suited to her frame. She was unhappy with the size of her breasts and the fact that all her breast tissue was low on the chest, without any cleavage whatsoever. Breast Implants were placed behind the muscle, via an inframammary fold (IMF) incision. This provides her with a natural teardrop shape, and the upper pole fullness she was missing. After Breast Enlargement, she is happy and confident. More fashion options are now available for her, and she feels more comfortable wearing them.
Breast Augmentation with Breast Asymmetry
Breasts are sisters not twins, and it is completely normal for there to be some differences from side to side. Breast Implants can improve asymmetry and are carefully selected to improve breast aesthetics.
In the case below, the nipples are low on the breasts and the right nipple is lower than the left. Before surgery, there does not appear to be enough skin between the nipples and the bottom of the breasts to accommodate the radius of the breast implant. Without expanding this skin, the nipple would end up pointing down, especially on her right.

Breast Augmentation with Breast Implants before and after pictures. Natural breast asymmetry can be reduced with proper breast implant selection and surgical technique. (To view uncensored pictures, click or tap on the image.)
In this case, the inframammary fold (IMF) was lowered to make room for the implant and correct the nipple position on the breasts yielding a great result and a happy patient. In some cases, a Breast Lift would be necessary to improve the position of the nipple. You can see how much the IMF was lowered by comparing the folds and the mole on her right side in the before and after pictures.
Lastly, breast implants are always chosen for each patient’s measurements, specifically the diameter, which is determined by the width of the breast. Too wide and the breasts are in the armpits; too narrow and a large gap is created between the breasts. Careful attention to detail is a must for all breast augmentations especially when dealing with asymmetry.
Breast Augmentation – Side View
This following case is the opposite of the above. In this case, her nipple sits at the top of her breast mound. If the IMF was lowered, the nipples would be high on the breasts and at risk of peeking out the top of her bikini.

Breast Augmentation with Breast Implants before and after pictures. The breast mound should be centered on the nipple, so the nipple position helps determine where the implant is placed. (To view uncensored pictures, click or tap on the image.)
No incisions were made around the nipple. The nipple itself was not moved. In this case, as in the case above this, the change in nipple position is due to proper placement of the breast implants. The ideal nipple position is on the center of the breast mound.
Breast Implant Complications
I said at the beginning of this article that the safest and most predictable way to enhance the size of the breasts remains the Breast Implant. Unfortunately, Breast Implants are not perfect, and your Breast Augmentation may require maintenance.
The pocket around the implant is called the breast implant capsule. The capsule is very important, for without it, the implant would slide around under the skin. Like breast implants themselves, when it comes to capsules, you want just enough but not too much. Below is an example of a capsule that has become too tight, also known as Capsular Contracture.

Breast Augmentation Revision Surgery before and after pictures. Capsular contracture has raised and tightened the breast implants. Breast revision surgery was used to remove the tight capsules and restore soft, more natural looking breasts. (To view uncensored pictures, click or tap on the image.)
The patient above has developed Capsular Contracture. The capsule around the implant has tightened, especially in the lower half. The result is that her breast implants are pushed up and her breasts feel firm. Breast Implant Revision Surgery was used to remove the tight scar, soften the breasts and improve the breasts shape. After surgery the breasts are soft, mobile and look better in and out of clothing.
Breast Augmentation Consultations
When considering Breast Augmentation you want to choose an experienced and Board Certified Plastic Surgeon who understands your goals and can explain the process thoroughly. If you have a good idea of your desired cup size, I have the expertise to help you achieve your goal. In the San Francisco Bay Area call (925) 943-6353, and we will do our best to optimize your experience.
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