The Tummy Tuck is the gold standard operation for Abdominal Rejuvenation. It is the only procedure that can flatten the muscles of the abdominal wall, remove excess fat and tighten the skin with great predictability. Like all cosmetic plastic surgery procedures, an Abdominoplasty is not weight loss surgery, but a collection of techniques that accomplishes what diet and exercise cannot.
Tummy Tuck Before and after Pictures
Weight loss alone may not be enough to restore a firm and fit belly after childbirth. My patient below had a baby with all the weight gain and abdominal stretching that comes with pregnancy. Postpartum she lost the excess weight and worked hard to strengthen her abdominal muscles. Unfortunately, the pregnancy damage was irreversible despite her best efforts. After an in-person consultation and physical exam, she decided that a tummy tuck was the right choice to restore her pre pregnancy, youthful abdominal wall.

Tummy Tuck Before and After Pictures – This patient has already lost her baby weight; however, her abdomen still looks round. An Abdominoplasty was performed to flatten her belly.
In the before picture above, she still looks pregnant. The abdominal wall was stretched out during pregnancy and muscles were unable to hold back the abdominal contents. After her Tummy Tuck, the abdominal muscles are tight. Any excess lower abdominal skin and fat were removed, and she has her flat belly back. Abdominoplasty reveals the hard work she put in to reverse the effects of pregnancy, and has her feeling more confident and comfortable with her body.
Tummy Tuck Consultations
If you are considering Abdominoplasty consult with an experienced, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. Whether you need a little Liposuction or a full Tummy Tuck, for the best results find a plastic surgeon specializing in Cosmetic Plastic Surgery, who can provide you with all your options. In the San Francisco Bay Area, call (925) 943-6353 and schedule a private consultation appointment.
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